
We've had a very exciting last two weeks as we had some EAP (EntrepreneurAction Program) graduates approach me about having a look at the Genie model as a business option for them to present at the Business Opportunity Fair over the weekend. They would be competeing against another 9 teams at the Grant Hyatt Hotel.
After attending a presentation here, the team of 8 agreed that this is the best business model they had seen and wanted some training/coaching so that they could present the Genie at the fair. I myself was not allowed to participate as they had to do it all on their own. But I was certainly there as their backup support.
I salute the team for their time, energy and creative ideas in the preparation work building up to the event. And on the day of performing, where there were hundreds of people moving around the different booths, it was obvious to see that we were a cut above the rest in all aspects that they would be judged on. 
At the function afterwards, there were still a few nerves as the same team that had won the event seven years in a row previously, also performed very well.
But what an Exciting moment when the announcment was made, that the Genie Team had WON FIRST PLACE in all categories..
Jim, Iskandar, KC, Alex, Derrick, Jennifer, Suzanne and Jun Mi..... You guys were Absolutely Fantastic and delivered the Genie message with Passion and Enthusiasm.
It was a real a privilege to work with and get to know each one of you, and I am proud of you all :)
Part of the presentation, we ran a number of competitions including one which was a Free Asian Holiday Package to Bali, Phuket, Pattaya and Kuala Lumpur. I have decided to continue the competition through to the 20th July and we are opening this up to ALL of our team members. So please forward this email down through your teams, so they all have an opportunity to participate. I will be running meetings regularly now at 4pm and 7:30pm six days a week. And everyone that attends and brings a friend will go in the draw for one of these holidays. The more friends you bring, the more draws you go in for. There is no limit !
So lets utilize this opportunity now to really get some real momentum going in our businesses.
I have attached a few photos of the event for your viewing.
Look forward to see you all over the next month.